Botleng Secondary School kids stone Raygun baboon, kicked him and then tied him up and burnt him to death with a tyre

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Botleng Secondary School kids stone Raygun baboon, kicked him and then tied him up and burnt him to death with a tyre

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Shared by Owl Rescue: "A few days ago we posted an update on the location of Raygun the baboon. He had safely navigated his way through the suburbs and industrial areas of Pretoria and had finally reached an agricultural area full of crop farms and game reserves.

He was in our opinion in safe territory.
Sadly he made a wrong turn 40km further on his adventure and landed up on the roof of a Secondary School just outside of Delmas.

The learners at the school decided it was a fun idea to brutally stone and kick him. They tied him up with wire, placed car tyres around his body and set him alight. He burnt to death.

We went out early this morning to see if we could locate and retrieve his body, but when we arrived our presence attracted a lot of unwanted attention and Flash and Freckles, being the voice of reason, convinced us to leave promptly.

We then waited a few kilometers down the road for twenty minutes for the small crowd to disperse. We weighed up the options and decided that if we drove really quickly, we could pick Raygun up, what was left of him, and get out of there. So, this is what we did.

According to some residents, a witch doctor came through last night and cut his hands and head off, and then cut his chest open and took out his heart. We buried his remains earlier yesterday under a Marula tree on the Sanctuary.

We failed him terribly. We are deeply saddened for the way Raygun was ripped from this world.

His death serves as a stern reminder to us of the work we still have left to do to protect wild animals and what a far way the youth needs to come to learn respect and appreciation for other living beings."
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